Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Future business leaders, in the making

Rain or snow, thunder or lightning – it seems nothing can ever stop these men, who braved the snow on their first day on the badge at ANB Promotions, and set the pace.

Did anyone say these are the future business leaders? Yes, they are and make the perfect team:
Abdul, Clifford, Hannah, Justin, Lilly, Morgan, Naveed, Rebecca and Sohaib

Keep up the good work!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Motivation at work

The two most beautiful words in the English language are 'Cheque enclosed’.
- Dorothy Parker

Employee motivation is essential to the organization, and ANB Promotions believes, a good performance should always be recognized and rewarded the best possible way.

An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises, and we appreciate everyone who worked hard to achieve business goals and objectives.

‘Promotion to Leadership’ cheques wait to be handed over...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

High performance team

Happy New Year! This year, we look forward to expansion into new markets, acquire new customers, and generate more new business for the company.

Hard work brings its own rewards, and everyone at ANB Promotions Ltd prepares to work hard and put in the best efforts for common organizational goals.

Let us greet the folks, who came out with flying colors with the start of this New Year:
Kerry, James Ince (and the team), Mo, Zac, Nick and Jim…

Cheers to all! Keep up the good work!